But it is seriously never ending, if it gets over we start preparing for the next one and it's like we have no other choice.We just think that writing on paper, or viva are exams but they remain for the rest of our life. Every step we take or every decision we make counts. Those very steps decide whether we are going to pass this test or fail. And we wait our whole lives for this test to get over even in our ripe old age we try to get past things. We always try to feel happy even when we are tired of this crap. But obviously this will not stop us from enjoying life now will it ??
It will just slow down our pace a bit more than before ... Well that's nothing to worry about our life has many ups and downs now doesn't it. This is just one of it and nothing more. The best way to make it through is to always be prepared many of us are in the last or final year of schooling then we might just go into some college in order to take another step in our education so all we can do from our side is that we concentrate completely on our studies and keep away the distractions...... trust me there will be a lot of them that will come in our way to stop us from reaching to our destination , not the final one obviously but to take us to another level or phase of our life .... So keep working hard one day you won't regret it :)