We do not see the things happening around us, we are stuck in this maze which will take more than a lifetime to escape from ...... We are nothing more than a dead person walking on the face of the earth. We are like the living dead. Just moving around meaninglessly, like we don't have a heart nor feelings.
These things that happen to us every day is kinda spooky i think, what people say is the truth or is just a small little prank. Even when everyone else in the room can see what's happening, why cant we see it through our own eyes. Everything is happening right in front of us but we still do not observe it. People around us come and tell us that " it's true that it has to be it..." but we still tend to neglect the fact that it is true. I mean are we just neglecting it or are we trying to run away from it.... Deep inside we know the truth behind the whole story but we don't want to accept it. It's cause we are scared that this truth might just change the entire course of our life. It can completely change our lives and create a void in it. The truth we see but don't want to accept can bring in some unexpected trouble and we so do not want any disturbance in our life.

After all this time, it has to happen. Things tend to take place in very bad timings. Where was it when we were actually begging for it to happen??? Time has gone by too far. What we need earlier is standing right in front of our doorstep, but taking it in right now is not the right thing cause we don't know what could happen on doing so.There is a little doubt in my mind.... Am i doing the right thing??? Well all i can do is wish for this to never happen. SO i don't have to make a choice which might hurt me or others.

Can i rely on someone who knows all of my deepest and darkest Secrets. Or will the person turn their back on me. It's too hard to say . There's more than just meets the eye. The same thought arises again "am I doing the right thing ??? " " Is it gonna work out , I am soo confused that i can't make up my mind , I need someone to help me or else I'll go crazy "Well there has to be an answer to all of this so I am gonna end with a positive note "Listen to Your Heart first and then Your Mind "
Dedicated to
confused people like me :P